Accueil > Compétitions > Rudi Kalli

Competition: Rudi Kalli

Results of the current round

Only 8 hours left until the end of this round!

Player name Games Won Points Average Last played Previous
# 1 Gabriele Lang (Gabriele) 106 3 3 107 35.74 days ago# 1

Details of Rudi Kalli


Gabriele Lang

Description by owner:

Competition rules:

All games are allowed
Maximum allowed time limit per turn: 20 seconds
All players are allowed at a table
Players are ranked on total score
Current round ends at 2024-Jul-28 00:00:00 (GMT)
Each round lasts 5 days
The top 10% players will win a star
You must play at least 2 games in order to be ranked
If you join less than 14 days before the end of a round, you are not ranked

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