Accueil > Sign up

Sign up as a new member

Think of a nickname (login name)


  • This nickname will be publicly visible. Don't use your real name.
  • You cannot change this name afterwards. Playing with aliases will not be possible.
  • Minimum 3 unique letters, maximum of 24 characters.
  • Latin characters only, accented letters are allowed, no @ : ( )
Think of a password, and enter it twice
1. [Help]
  • TIP: For better security, and easier recollection, you can use a phrase or a whole sentence as your password.
Your e-mail (optional)

  • In case you ever forget your password, we need your e-mail address to find it back for you.
  • The e-mail address you enter here will never be disclosed or used for unsollicited mails. See our privacy statement.

  • You must agree to the membership terms
Please pick the card that fits on the question mark:
(To proof that you are human, and not a spammer's computer)


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identification d'un membre