Acasă > Ajutor > Cum pot să > Play for me

Lasă calculatorul să joace pentru mine

Instead of asking for a hint and play the move yourself, you can also let the computer play for you.

Let the computer play for me

În meniu Jucând jocul, click
, apoi alege Play for me.

If you have a move available, then the computer will play that move for you. If not all melds on the table are valid when you let the computer play, it may undo some of your moves first.

If there is no move available, then the computer will end your turn. This may mean that it draws a card from the stock for you, or that it plays a card to the discard pile (depending on the game rules).

WARNING: Letting the computer play is cheating, really. Therefore if you do this, the game will not be counted in your statistics. Also, this option is not available in an online game with other people.

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